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6.26.12 TUESDAY "DOUBLE BEARFROG" 2 Rounds of: 400m Run 25m Bear Crawl 25m Burpee Broad Jump 25m Bear Crawl 25m Burpee Broad Jump 25m Bear...
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6.25.12 MONDAY "HOOLA GAINS" 25 OHS…115/65 pounds 20 Grasshoppers (right side left side=1) 15 Hang Cleans…115/65 pounds 10 G.I. Janes 15 Hang Cleans…115/65 pounds 20...
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6.23.12 SATURDAY **9am CLASS ONLY TODAY** "LITTLE BUDDY 1" 40/20…30/15…20/10…10/5 of: Dips Pull Ups then: 1mile Run with Med Ball (lil buddy)…20/14 pounds For Time...
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6.22.12 FRIDAY "EGG TOSS" 150 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/8 feet (every min on the min 5 WB Sit Ups) For Time **There will only be the...
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6.21.12 THURSDAY "HEAVY BABY" 15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 15 HSPU's…45/25 plates 15 Toes to Bar 10 Deadlift…315/205 pounds 10 Chest to Bar Pull...
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6.20.12 WEDNESDAY "BEAR CLAW" 5-1 of: Bear Complex…135/75 pounds Double Unders (add a 0 to each rep. eg 50…40…30…20…10) For Time Nicks Post time and...
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6.19.12 TUESDAY "ROSHAMBO" 5 Rounds of: 10 Burpees 15 KB Swings…70/53 pounds For Time Post time and load to comments Strength: Bench Press 6×2

6.18.12 MONDAY "CINDY RAN" 20min AMRAP of: 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats (every 5min 200m Run) For Total Rounds (repeat WOD...
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