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8.15.12 WEDNESDAY "HAPPY FEET" 4 Rounds of: 12 HSPU's…25/floor 24 Toes to Bar (10 steps OH Walking Lunges…45/25 pounds every min on the min) (15min...
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8.14.12 TUESDAY "DOUBLE BUBBLE" 3 Rounds of: 100 Double Unders 50 KB Swings…70/53 pounds 400m Run 3min Rest For Time Phong Post time and load...
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8.13.12 MONDAY "GRANDE" 12min AMRAP of: 21…15…9 of: Front Squat…115/65 pounds Push Press…115/65 pounds the remainder of 12min complete AMRAP of: 15 Air Squats 10 Pull Ups...
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8.11.12 SATURDAY "HARD LABOR" With a partner complete the following: 20 Tire flips (both partners flip) 200m Sled Pull…135/90 pounds (both partners pull) 200m Farmers...
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8.10.12 FRIDAY "TABATA FRUSTRATION" (Tabata= 8 rounds of 20sec work 10sec rest) Tabata Row for calories Tabata Wall Ball Sit Ups…20/14 pounds Tabata Hang Clean…95/55...
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8.9.12 THURSDAY "MUSCLE BOUND" 9…7…5 of: Ring Muscle Ups Thrusters…155/95 pounds For Time Josh Post time and load to comments Strength: 4×3 Thrusters

8.8.12 WEDNESDAY "HELEN" 3 Rounds of: 400m Run 21 KB Swings…53/35 pounds 12 Pull Ups For Time   Post time and load to comments Strength: 3×5...
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8.7.12 TUESDAY "BOAT RACE" 12min AMRAP of: 1000m Row then: 15 OHS…95/55 pounds 10 HR Push Ups For Rounds and Reps Cody Post load and...
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8.6.12 MONDAY "ROAD KILL" 3 Rounds of: 21 SDLHP's…95/55 pounds 15 Push Press…95/55 pounds 9 Toes to Bar 3 G.I. Janes For Time Kathy- competed...
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