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1.10.15 SATURDAY "TIME LAPSE" with a partner complete: 4min AMRAP of: Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/9 feet 2min Rest 4min AMRAP of: Power Cleans…115/75 pounds 2min Rest...
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1.9.15 FRIDAY warm up– 5min Airdyne Olympic: 6×1 Snatch Strength: 3×8 Trap Bar Deadlift 3×8 C2B Pull Up 12 L-Sit Legless Rope  Metcon: Explode WOD...
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1.7.15 WEDNESDAY warm up– 800m Jog Olympic: 3×3 Jerk Strength: 3×8 DB Shoulder Press 3×8 Front Squat Metcon: Explode WOD

1.6.15 TUESDAY warm up– 1000m Row Olympic: 5×2 Hang Snatch Strength: 3×8 Banded Deadlift 3×8 Bent Over Row 3×8 Chin Up Metcon: Explode WOD Auxiliary:...
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1.5.15 MONDAY warm up– 200 Double Unders Olympic: 5×2 TnG Squat Clean n Jerk Strength: 3×5 Back Squat 3×5 Strict HSPU 3×5 Bench Press Metcon:...
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1.4.15 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "RUNNAMUCK" 5 Rounds of: 800m Run 20 Burpee Bar Touches 2min rest For Time Post time to comments OLYMPIC– Snatch

1.3.15 SATURDAY "HAMSTER WHEEL" 3 Rounds of: 500m Row 10 Shoot Throughs 20 KB Swings…70/53 pounds 3min Rest For Time (24min Time Cap) Post time...
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1.2.15 FRIDAY warm up– 1000m Row Olympic: 6×1 Hang Squat Snatch Strength: 3×8 Trap Bar Deadlift 3×8 Chin Up Metcon: Explode WOD COMPETITOR TRAINING 3pm...
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1.2.15 FRIDAY "BEAR NECESSITIES" 10min AMRAP of: 12 Bear Complex…95/55 pounds 18 Pull Ups For Total Reps Post load and total reps to comments