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1.12.13 SATURDAY "JUST A TASTE" 5 Rounds of: 1:30min AMRAP of: 5 Bar Muscle Ups (scale: 5 pull ups, 5 push ups) remainder of 1min...
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1.11.13 FRIDAY "ANNIE" 50…40…30…20…10 of: Double Unders Butterfly Sit Ups For Time   Post time to comments Skill: Double Unders Strength: 6min to establish 1RM...
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1.10.13 THURSDAY "TABATA SHTF" (Tabata= 8 Rounds of 20sec work, 10sec Rest) Tabata Calorie Row Tabata Burpees Tabata 10m Shuttle Touch Tabata SDLHP…95/65 pounds For...
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1.9.13 WEDNESDAY "HELLFIRE" 9…6…3 of: OHS…135/95 pounds Toes to Bar Burpees over Bar Power Snatch…135/95 pounds For Time Tony Post time and load to comments...
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1.8.13 TUESDAY "FLIRTY 30" 2 Rounds of: 30 Wall Ball Sit Ups…20/14 pounds 30 Hang Cleans…95/65 pounds 30 Front Squats…95/65 pounds 30 Push Press…95/65 pounds...
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1.7.13 MONDAY "BEANSTALK" 2 Rounds of: 5 Rope Accents (3 perry pulls per) 15 Wall Climbs For Time (repeat WOD from 9.27.12) Post time and...
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1.6.13 SUNDAY ENDURANCE- "SNICKERS" 3 Rounds of: 800m Run Rest 2min 1000m Row Rest 2min 10 Shoot Throughs 40 Straight Leg Sit Ups Rest 2min ...
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1.5.13 SATURDAY "SARIN-ADE" 21…15…9 of: High Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…12/10 feet Chest to Bar Pull Ups For Time Post time and load to comments Skill: Chest...
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1.4.13 FRIDAY "HEIMLICH MANEUVER" With a partner complete: 2 Rounds of: 2min AMRAP of: 15 SDLHP…95/65 pounds 20 Box Jumps…24/20" box 1min Rest 2min AMRAP...
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1.3.13 THURSDAY "TOE JAM" 5 Rounds of: 15 KB Swings…70/53 pounds 10 Toes To Bar 5 Burpees For Time Doug Post time and load to...
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