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1.18.15 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "RUN TEST" 1mile Run 3min Rest 1200m Run 2min Rest 800m Run 1min Rest 400m Run For Time Post time to comments...
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1.17.15 SATURDAY "SWEAT SHOP" with a partner complete: 20min AMRAP of: 100 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/9 feet 100 Calorie Row 50 Shoot Throughs 15 Rope Climbs...
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1.16.15 FRIDAY "OCTANE" 21…15…9 of: Power Cleans…115/75 pounds Thrusters…115/75 pounds 2min Rest 12 Ring Muscle Ups (sub- 12 Bar Muscle Ups/ or 24 Pull Ups,...
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1.16.15 FRIDAY warm up– 2×100 Double Unders Olympic: 5×1 Power Snatch Strength: 3×5 Deadlift Rack Pulls (just below knee) 3×5 Single Arm Row 3×5 Chin...
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1.15.15 THURSDAY "STEEL ABS" 5 Rounds of: 4min AMRAP of: 14 Wall Ball Sit Ups 7 Toes to Bar 14 KB Swings…70/53 pounds 4min Rest...
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1.14.15 WEDNESDAY warm up– 2x500m Row Olympic: 5×3 Push Jerk Strength: 3×5 Shoulder Press 3×6 Front Lunge 3×5 Ring HSPU Metcon: Explode WOD Auxiliary: 27…21…15…9...
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1.13.15 TUESDAY warm up– 200 Double Unders Olympic: 3×3 Squat Snatch TnG Strength: 3×5 Deadlift 3×5 Bent Over Row 3×5 Legless L-Sit Rope 7' Metcon1:...
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1.12.15 MONDAY warm up– 2x500m Row Olympic: 5×1 Clean Complex (complex= 1 High Hang Squat, 1 Low Hang Squat, 1 Power) Strength: 3×5 Strict HSPU...
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1.12.15 MONDAY "FEEDING FRENZY" 2 Rounds of: 7min AMRAP of: 7 HSPU…25's 9 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 12 Lateral Box Jumps…24/20" box 7min Rest...
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1.11.15 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "ROW HOMIE" With a partner: 8K Row (each partner rows 250m then does 3 Burpees before switching) For Time CONGRATS EMILY AND...
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