2 Rounds of:
1mile Run
25 Burpees
30 Single Arm CnP…95/55 pounds (barbell, 15 each arm)
35 KB Swings…53/35 pounds
40 OHS…95/55 pounds
For Time
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*Note: You can't ask for a better day for this workout. You think it looks hard, check out this website! www.toughmudder.com Thanks Collins for sharing this glorious race! It was the inspiration for today's WOD. I'm definately in! Who's coming with me!
Also, Tomorrow appears to be a snow day. The gym will definately be open from 11am-5pm. I plan on doing this workout around 5pm. Of course this workout will be "at your own risk", If your "in", dress for the weather the mile runs will be outside! Hopefully we can get enough people to do this in teams. Tough Mudder style!