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4.23.13 TUESDAY "CASH FLOW" 10min AMRAP of: cash in: 500m Row 50 Push Ups 50 KB Swings…53/35 pounds 50 Box Jumps…20/18" box 50 Sit Ups...
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4.22.13 MONDAY "OHS YEAH" 65 OHS…115/75 pounds (EMOM, 3 Chest to Bar Pull Ups) For Time   Post time and load to comments Auxiliary: Parralette...
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4.21.13 SUNDAY ENDURANCE- "FROG LUNG" 6 Rounds of: 800m Run 15m Burpee Broad Jump 3min Rest For Time   Post time to comments OLYMPIC- Clean...
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4.20.13 SATURDAY "ROAD RASH" 2 Rounds of: 100m Sled Drag…70/45 pounds 21 HSPU's…25's/floor 15 Toes to Bar For Time Matt Post time and load to...
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4.19.13 FRIDAY "EYE ON THE PRIZE" 800m Run 4 Rope Climbs 16 Single Arm DB Snatch…(heavy) (alternate each round) For Time Post time and load...
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4.18.13 THURSDAY "F*D/TIME" 5 Rounds of: 300m Row 10 Burpees onto plate For Time   Post time and load to comments Auxiliary: Max Unbroken Reps...
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4.17.13 WEDNESDAY "EVERLAST" 10 Rounds of: 10 KB Swings…70/53 pounds 3 Wall Climbs 10 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/8 feet 3 Wall Climbs For Time (Time Cap...
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4.16.13 TUESDAY "MAMA JAMMA" 12min EMOM of: 4 Push Press…135/95 pounds 5 Back Squats…135/95 pounds 6 Toes to Bar Slowest Round is your score   ...
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4.15.13 MONDAY "FRESH AIR" 12min AMRAP of: 12 Power Cleans…135/95 pounds 12 HR Push Ups 12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 12 Wall Ball Sit...
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4.14.13 SUNDAY ENDUURANCE- "RUN TEST" 1mile Run 3min Rest 1200m Run 2min Rest 800m Run 1min Rest 400m Run For Time   Post time to...
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