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6.2.13 SUNDAY ENDURANCE- "AIR BENDING" 3 Rounds of: 800m Run 2min Rest then: 3 Rounds of: 1000m Row 2min Rest For Time EXPLODE at the...
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6.1.13 SATURDAY "SLED WARS" 2 Rounds of: 50m Reverse Sled Pull…135/90 pounds 400m Run 25 Thrusters…65/45 pounds For Time Post time and load to comments

5.31.13 FRIDAY "PRESSURE POINT" AKA- "THE FORGOTTEN MAULICKY" 7min AMRAP of: 7 HSPU's…25/floor 14 Box Jumps…24/20" box For Total Reps (repeat WOD from 1.31.13) Post...
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5.30.13 THURSDAY "POWER WALK" 3 Rounds of: 5 Power Cleans…205/135 pounds 400m Run For Time Post time and load to comments

5.28.13 WEDNESDAY "SCAPE GOAT" 3 Rounds of: 60 Double Unders 30 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/8 feet 15 Toes to Bar For Time Post time and load...
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5.27.13 TUESDAY "ISABELLE" 30 Snatches…135/95 pounds For Time Post time and load to comments Skill: Snatch

**12pm CLASS ONLY TODAY** 5.27.13 MONDAY "MURPH" 1mile Run 100 Pull Ups 200 Push Ups 300 Air Squats 1mile Run For Time Post time to...
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**NO 9am OLYMPIC LIFTING CLASS TODAY** 5.26.13 SUNDAY ENDURANCE- "5K ROW" 5K Row (every min on the min 3 burpees) For Time Post time to...
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5.25.13 SATURDAY "F@CK CANCER" 5 Rounds of: 25m Prowler Push…270/180 pounds 15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups For Time Congratulation Mike!!! 5 years Cancer free!!!...
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5.24.13 FRIDAY "GOOD NEWS" 9…7…5 of: Power Snatch…115/75 pounds Ring Muscle Ups (sub 3 ring rows, 3 HR push ups per) 1min Rest then: 15…10…5...
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