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**LABOR DAY 12pm CLASS ONLY** 8.31.13 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "FLOW CHART" 2000m Row 1mile Run 3min Rest 1500m Row 1200m Run 3min Rest 1000m Row 800m...
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8.30.13 SATURDAY "HOT WHEELS" With a partner complete the following: 400m Run 100m Burpee Tire Flip 400m Run For Time Rosemary Post time, team and...
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8.30.13 FRIDAY "CATCH N RELEASE" 10 Rounds of: 8 High Double Dip Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…12/10 feet 8 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 1min Rest For...
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8.30.13 FRIDAY warm up– 800m Jog 3×12 Thruster (use approximately 50-60% of your 1rm) 3×12 Single Arm Push Ups (6 each arm) 3×12 DB Tricep...
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8.29.13 THURSDAY warm up– 5min Airdyne 5×5 Squat Snatch (singles at 70% 1rm) Max Unbroken Power Snatch…135/95 pounds (touch and go) 3×20 Reverse Hypers

8.29.13 THURSDAY "BODY SNATCHER" 10min AMRAP of: cash in- 100m Sled Drag…135/90 pounds remainder of 10min: 9 Toes To Bar 7 Box Jumps…24/20" box 5...
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8.28.13 WEDNESDAY warm up– 400m Jog 4×12 Deadlift 3×12 Landmine Rotations 3×12 DB Rows 20 Bar MU's for time Metcon– Explode WOD

8.28.13 WEDNESDAY "SHOTS FIRED" 15 Shoot Throughs 21 Calorie Row 10 Shoot Throughs 15 Calorie Row 5 Shoot Throughs 9 Calorie Row For Time Post...
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8.27.13 TUESDAY warm up– 500m Row 5×5 Squat Clean n Jerk (singles) Metcon– "Grace" *note– use approximately 70% of your 1rm for the SCnJ's technique...
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8.27.13 TUESDAY "DRAGON'S BREATH" 5 Rounds of: 400m Run 15 Pull Ups 15 OHS…115/75 pounds 2min Rest For Time November 9th and 10th Post time...
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