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10.3.13 THURSDAY "HANG MAN" 3 Rounds of: 15 Hang Snatch…115/75 pounds 10 Burpee Box Jumps…28/24" box For Time Betsy  Post time and load to comments

10.3.13 THURSDAY warm up– 800m Jog Metcon: 15…10…5 of: Hang Snatch…185/125 (rest 2min after each set) For Time Gymnasty- accumulate 2min of L-Sit on Paralettes...
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10.2.13 WEDNESDAY warm up– 1000m Row Strength: 3×3 Back Squat Metcon: 4 Rounds of: 8 Ring Muscle Ups 8 Back Squats…275/175 (from rack) For Time

10.1.13 TUESDAY "MONKEY WRENCH" 21…15…9 of: Knees to Elbows HR Push Ups Box Jumps…24/20" box For Time Kira  Post time and load to comments

10.1.13 TUESDAY warm up– 10-1 Airdyne Cals and GHD Sit Ups (not for time) Strength: 3×3 Unbroken Power Cleans Metcon: 40 Power Cleans…245/165 EMOM 2...
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9.30.13 warm up- "FLIGHT SIMULATOR" (up to 35 reps and back down) 20min EMOM of: ODD- 3 OHS…185/125 pounds (from ground) EVEN- 2 Rope Climbs...
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9.30.13 MONDAY "AIR MALE" 8min AMRAP of: 20 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/8 feet 20 KB SDLHP's…70/53 pounds For Total Reps Post load and total reps to...
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9.29.13 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "GUMP" 5 Rounds of: 10 G.I. Janes 800m Run Remainder of 8min to Rest For Slowest Round Chris Post slowest round to...
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9.28.13 SATURDAY "ESCARGO" 5 Rounds of: 15m Sled Push…230/180 pounds 15 KB Swings…70/53 pounds For Time Tom Post time and load to comments

9.27.13 FRIDAY warm up– 5min Airdyne, mobility mobility mobility 15…10…5 of: Front Squat…225/155 pounds (from the ground Meg) Bar Muscle Ups For Time (12min Time...
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