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5.26.14 MONDAY "MURPH" 1mile Run 100 Pull Ups 200 Push Ups 300 Air Squats 1mile Run For Time Post time to comments 10:00am CLASS ONLY...
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5.25.14 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "ROW CITY" With a partner complete: 5,000m Row (before switching, partner has to complete 20 KB Swings…53/35 pounds) For Time   Post...
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5.24.14 SATURDAY "BEARFROG MILE" 4 Rounds of: 400m Run 25m Bear Crawl 25m Burpee Broad Jump For Time   Post time to comments SUNDAY- NO...
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5.23.14 FRIDAY "SYMPATHY PAINS" 10-1 of: Thrusters…115/75 pounds (1 Rope Climb after every set) For Time (10min Time Cap)   Post time and load to...
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5.22.14 THURSDAY "FOOL'S GOLD" 21…15…9 of: Toes to Bar Power Cleans…115/75 pounds (10 G.I. Janes after every set) For Time (15min Time Cap)   Post...
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5.21.14 WEDNESDAY "AB-CENTRAL STATION" 50…40…30…20…10 of: Calorie Row Med Ball Sit Ups…20/14 pounds For Time (2 Burpees EMOM) Post time and load to comments

5.21.14 WEDNESDAY warm up– 10DL, 10HC, 10HSC, 10PJ…45/15 Strength: 10×1 Clean n Jerk Metcon: Explode WOD Auxiliary: 100m Reverse Sled Pull…180/135  For Time

5.19.14 MONDAY warm up– 3x200m Runs Strength: 10min EMOM of: EVEN- 5 Back Squats ODD- 5 Bench Press Metcon: Explode WOD Auxiliary: HS Walk REGIONAL...
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5.19.14 MONDAY "WORK HORSE" 4 Rounds of: 3min AMRAP of: 50m Sled Drag…135/90 pounds remainder of 3min: 8 Pull Ups 4 Burpee Over box…24/20" box...
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