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7.25.14 FRIDAY "BOILED OIL" 4 Rounds of: 3 Rope Climbs…ceiling 25m Sled Push…270/180 pounds 300m Row 2min Rest For Time (20min Time Cap)   Post...
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7.24.14 THURSDAY "PULL HOPS" 90 Pull Ups (EMOM of 8 Box Jumps…24/20" box) For Time (12min Time Cap)   Post time and load to comments

7.23.14 WEDNESDAY "ANNIE" 50…40…30…20….10 of: Double Unders Sit Ups For Time   Post time and load to comments Auxiliary: 1k Row SUNDAY MOBILITY CLASS NOW...
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7.22.14 TUESDAY "GRACE" 30 Clean n Jerks…135/95 pounds For Time   Post time and load to comments Auxiliary: 1mile Run SUNDAY MOBILITY CLASS 11:30am

7.21.14 MONDAY "BLURRY VISION" 75 Burpee Box Jumps…24/20" box EMOM 7 KB Swings…70/53 pounds For Time (Time Cap 12min) Post time and load to comments

7.20.14 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "MURPHY'S LAW" 4 Rounds of: 4 Rounds of Cindy (1 round= 5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Air Squats) 800m Run...
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7.19.14 SATURDAY "DONKEY KONG" With a partner complete the following: 2 Rounds of: 50 G.I. Janes 50 Back Squats…135/95 pounds 50 Shoulder to OH…135/95 pounds...
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7.18.14 FRIDAY ACTIVE REST DAY FOR TEAM slow 5k Row Dear Explode Compwoders, begining today the team will start to completely deload in preparation for...
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7.18.14 FRIDAY "ROPE SNATCHER" 12min AMRAP of: 10 Power Snatch…115/65 pounds 10 OHS…115/65 pounds 3 14' Rope Climbs For Total Reps Post load and total...
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7.17.14 THURSDAY warm up– 800m run Strength: 4×2 Deadlift Metcon: "The Fifties" Auxiliary: Practice goats