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8.19.14 TUESDAY warm up– 4x150m Row 2min Rest Olympic: 6×2 Low Hang Clean Strength: 2×18 Seated DB Curl to Shoulder Press 2×18 Back Squat 2×18...
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8.18.14 MONDAY warm up– 800m Run Olympic: 6×2 High Hang Snatch Strength: 2×18 Deadlift 2x Max set of Weighted Ring Muscle Up 2×18 DB Row...
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*NO MOBILITY CLASS TODAY* 8.17.14 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "TIME LAPSE" 15 Rounds of: 100m Row 30sec Rest then: 15 Rounds of: 200m Run 1min Rest For...
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8.16.14 SATURDAY "RUSH HOUR" With a partner complete the following: 30 Burpee Tire Flips (both partners) 3min Rest then: 100 Wall Balls…30/20 pounds…10/8 feet (one...
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8.15.14 FRIDAY warm up– 800m run Olympic: 5×3 Split Jerk Strength: 3×12 Bench Press 3×12 KB Shoulder Press 3×12 Single Arm DB Tricep Ext Metcon:...
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8.15.14 FRIDAY "BACKDRAFT" 9min AMRAP of: 3 Ring Muscle Ups (sub- 3 ring rows, 3 ring dips per or Bar Mu's) 9 Back Squat…135/95 pounds...
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8.14.14 THURSDAY "GROUND HOG" 10-1 of: Ground to OH…115/65 pounds Wall Balls Sit Ups…20/14 pounds For Time Post time and load to comments **All members...
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8.13.14 WEDNESDAY warm up– 5min Airdyne Strength: 3×5 Below the knee Hang High Pulls (Clean grip) 3×12 RDL 3×12 DB Row Metcon: Explode WOD

8.13.14 WEDNESDAY "EL TORO" 45…35…25…15 of: KB Swings…70/53 pounds Calorie Row (10 Shoot Throughs and 1min Rest after each set) For Time (20min Time Cap)...
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