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9.3.14 WEDNESDAY warm up– 2×100 Double Unders Olympic: 5min EMOM of: 3 Power Cleans 1 Push Jerk Strength: 3×6 Deadlift 3×6 Strict Pull Ups 3×6...
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9.2.14 TUESDAY warm up– 2x500m Row Olympic: 10min EMOM of: 1 Snatch Complex (complex= 1 Hang Snatch, 1 Power Snatch, 1 Squat Snatch) Strength: 3×6...
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9.2.14 TUESDAY "BUCKEYE" 3 Rounds of: 10 Snatches…135/95 pounds 20 Burpee Over Bar 30 Pull Ups 4min Rest For Time Post time and load to...
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9.1.14 MONDAY warm up– 2x400m Run Olympic: 3×3 Clean n Jerk Strength: 3×6 Front Squat 3×6 Weighted C2B Pull Ups 3×6 Clean Grip Hang High...
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8.31.14 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "HANG RELAY " With a Partner complete: 12 Rounds of: 8 Hang Clean n Jerk…135/95 pounds 400m Med Ball Run…30/20 pounds (partner...
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8.30.14 SATURDAY "PARTNER BOAT RACE" With a Partner complete: 3000m Row (one partner holds an incline push up while the other Rows) For Time Post...
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8.29.14 FRIDAY "SNOW PLOW" Every 5min for 15min: 12 Ring Muscle Ups (sub- 15 Ring Rows, 10 Burpees) 50m Prowler Push…270/180 pounds For Slowest Round...
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8.28.14 FRIDAY warm up– 2x500m Row Olympic: 3×3 Squat Snatch Strength: 3×3 Back Squat -Max set of 275/185 Squat 3×3 Bench Press -Max set of...
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