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9.26.14 FRIDAY "THE EQUALIZER" 2min AMRAP of: HSPU's…25's 2min Rest 2min AMRAP of: Power Cleans…135/95 pounds 2min Rest 4min AMRAP of: Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/8 feet...
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9.25.14 THURSDAY "RUBBLE BUBBLE" 50…40…30…20…10 of: Calorie Row Wall Ball Sit Ups…20/14 pounds For Time (15min Time Cap) Post time and load to comments

9.24.14 WEDNESDAY warm up– 2×100 Double Unders Olympic: 5min EMOM of: 2 Jerks Strength: 3×12 Ring Dips 3×12 Tricep Ext 3×8 Back Squat Metcon: Explode...
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9.23.14 TUESDAY warm up– 2x400m Run Olympic: 6×2 High Hang Cleans Strength: 3x50m Reverse Sled Pull 3×12 Dball Shouldering 3×12 Pull Ups Metcon: Explode WOD

9.22.14 MONDAY warm up– 2×100 Double Unders Olympic: 6min EMOM of: Snatch Complex (complex= 1 High Hang Power, 1 Low Hang Power, 1 Squat) Strength:...
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9.22.14 MONDAY "BUNNY SNATCH" 2 Rounds of: 4min AMRAP of: 5 Snatches…135/95 pounds 4 Burpee Over Bar (6 Toes to Bar EMOM) 4min Rest For...
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9.21.14 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "MURPHY'S LAW" 3 Rounds of: 12min AMRAP of: cash in- 1mile Run remainder of time- "Cindy Rounds" 5min Rest For Total Reps...
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9.20.14 SATURDAY "ALABAMA SLAMMER" With a team of 3 complete: 3000m Row 300 Front Squats…95/55 pounds (3 Burpee EMOM, whole team) For Time Post time...
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9.19.14 FRIDAY warm up– 10x100m Row Strength: 5×5 Deadlift 5×5 Hang Clean 3×12 Landmine Rotations Metcon: Explode WOD