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1.27.10 WEDNESDAY "SPEED" 1min of SDLHP's… 95 pounds 1min rest 1min of Push Press… 95 pounds 1min rest 1min of Sit Ups 1min rest 1min...
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1.26.10 TUESDAY "CINDY" AMRAP in 20min of: 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats Post amount of rounds to comments Auxiliary:  15×50 meter Sprints  

1.25.10 MONDAY "BACKLASH" 3 Rounds for time of: 10 Snatches… 135 pounds 20 Pull Ups… Chest to bar 30 Double Unders Final Standings from "Winter...
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1.24.10 SUNDAY REST DAY  Thanks Sue Note:  CrossFit Explode tore it up at the Winter Throwdown hosted by CrossFit 215!  Great job to everyone that...
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1.23.10 SATURDAY "CLEAR SKIES" 3 Rounds for time of: 15 SDLHP… 115 pounds 15 Burpee Box Jumps… 24" box Girls can do pull ups too! Post...
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1.22.10 FRIDAY "PINK SOCKS" (RIGHT SOCK) 5/1…4/2…3/3…2/4…1/5 of: Deadlift… 315 pounds/ HSPU's with paralettes (nose to 2 stacked up 45# bumpers) REST 2min (LEFT SOCK) 5/1…4/2…3/3…2/4…1/5...
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1.20.10 WEDNESDAY "WINTER THROWDOWN WO #2" 5 Rounds of: 5 Thrusters… 95 pounds 10 Burpees Then: 30 Pull Ups For Time Post time and load...
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1.19.10 TUESDAY "WINTER THROWDOWN WO #1" 250m Row 40 KB Swings…53 pounds 500m Row 30 KB Swings…53 pounds 750m Row 20 KB Swings…53 pounds 1000m...
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