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4.28.10 WEDNESDAY L1's "Hello Kitty" For Time: 50 Kitten-Puppy-Baby-Bunnies…115/75 At the top of every minute, do 5 C2B Pull Ups (Kitten-Pupppy-Baby-Bunny= Squat Clean n Press with a...
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4.27.10 TUESDAY "FIGHT GONE BAD" 3 rounds of: 1min Wall Balls… 20/14 pounds (for reps) 1min SDLHP… 75/45 pounds (for reps) 1min Box Jumps… 20/18"...
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4.26.10 MONDAY "HUNDO" 40 Snatches…115/55 pounds 40 Toes to Bar 20 Burpees For Time Post time and load to comments Auxiliary:  Row 500m X 3...
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4.23.10 FRIDAY "VA SECTIONALS" AMRAP 3min of: Clean n Jerk…185/115 pounds Rest 10min then: "Cindy" AMRAP 20min of: 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15...
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4.21.10 WEDNESDAY "ABBEY OOP" 20min AMRAP of: 10 Wall Balls…20/14 pound balls 10 Sit Ups 50m Sprint score= total number of reps completed in 20min...
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4.20.10 TUESDAY "HIGH NOON" 10-1 of: Hand Clap Push Ups Chest to Bar Pull Ups Push Press…115/55 SDLHP…115/55 For Time Post time and load to...
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4.19.10 MONDAY "CUTE BEAR" 5 Rounds for time of: 5 "Bears" (see video below)…115/55 pounds 10 Pull Ups 15 Sit Ups 200m Run 1 "Bear"=...
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