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7.30.10 FRIDAY "DIRTY 30" With a partner, complete 60 reps of: Clean n Jerk… 135 pounds Box Jumps… 30" box Body Weight Bench Press KB...
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7.28.10 WEDNESDAY "BURSTIN BUBBLES" 3 Rounds of: 8 Muscle Ups 8 Kitten-Puppy-Baby-Bunnies (KPBB)…115/75 pounds 800m Run For Time (sub for MU's: 20 C2B Pull Ups and 20 Ring...
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7.27.10 TUESDAY "BLAZE" 3 Rounds of: 3 HSPU's 5 G.I. Janes 7 Deadlift… 225/155 pounds 50 Double Unders For Time  Post time and load to comments  ...
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7.26.10 MONDAY "FGB" (Fight Gone Bad) 3 rounds of: 1min Wall Balls… 20/14 pounds (for reps) 1min SDLHP… 75/45 pounds (for reps) 1min Box Jumps…...
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7.24.10 SATURDAY "ALL KINDS OF STUFF" Today lets work on "all kinds of stuff".  The metcon is a huge part of CrossFit but its not...
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7.23.10 FRIDAY "SPEAL VS KHALIPA" 1 CnJ (Clean n Jerk)… 155/75 pounds 1 "Cindy" round (5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Squats) 2 CnJ…...
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7.21.10 WEDNESDAY "EVENT 6b CF GAMES" 3 Rounds of: 30 Toes to Bar 21 Ground to overhead anyway…95/65 pounds For Time   Post time and...
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