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12.22.10 WEDNESDAY "12 DAYS OF XMAS" 1 Burpee 2 Push Press… 95/65 pounds 3 Front Squats… 95/65 pounds 4 Hang Cleans… 95/65 pounds 5 Deadlifts…...
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12.21.10 TUESDAY "WOD 4 MIDWEST HOPPER" 50 Deadlifts… 225/155 pounds 40 Burpees over bar 30 Toes to Bar 20 Squat Snatch… 115/75 pounds 10 HSPU's...
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12.20.10 MONDAY "WODs #1 and #3 from MIDWEST HOPPER" WOD 1 AMRAP 3min of: Back Squat… 225/155 pounds immediately following: AMRAP 3min of: Pull Ups...
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12.18.10 SATURDAY "CHIP OFF THE OL' BLOCK" 50 Wall Balls… 20/14 pound ball 40 Toes to Bar 30 Power Cleans… 135/95 pounds 400m Run 20...
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12.17.10 FRIDAY "CIRCUS FREAKS" 5 Rounds of: 5 Muscle Ups 4 HSPU's 14 Pistols 21 Double Unders For Time 10min Rest then: "TABATA GOAT DAY...
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12.15.10 WEDNESDAY "STAN THE ANGRY MIDGET" 15…10…5 of: SDLHP… 135/95 pounds Push Press… 135/95 pounds Burpee Box Jumps… 24/20" box For Time   Post time and...
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12.14.10 TUESDAY "CINDY" 20min AMRAP of: 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats For Rounds 10min Rest after WOD then: TABATA GOAT DAY...
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12.13.10 MONDAY "RAMPAGE" Every minute on the minute do:  7 KB Swings… 70/35 pounds 7 Knees To Elbow's 7 Push Ups Go as long as you can...
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