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9.17.11 SATURDAY "FIGHT GONE BAD 6" 3 Rounds of: 1min AMRAP of Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/8 feet 1min AMRAP of SDLHP…75/45 pounds 1min AMRAP of Box...
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9.16.11 FRIDAY "PINKY POPPER" 10 Rounds of: 6 Toes to Bar 12 HR Push Ups 24 Double Unders For Time   Post time to comments...
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9.15.11 THURSDAY "DEATH BY DEADLIFT" Choose between 4 loads: 315/225…275/185…225/155…185/120 pounds Complete 1rep in the 1st minute, 2reps in the 2nd minute and so on...
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9.14.11 WEDNESDAY "CREEPY CRAWLERS" 4 Rounds of: 6 Wall Climbs 20m Bear Crawl (down n back the width of the gym) 4 Shuttle Touches…10m For...
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9.13.11 TUESDAY "FGB WARM UP" 3 Rounds of: 40 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/8 feet 40 SDLHP's… 75/45 pounds 40 Push Press… 75/45 pounds 40 Sit Ups...
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9.12.11 MONDAY "REMEMBER 9/11" (Disposable Hero WOD) 2001m Row 11 Box Jumps…36/24" box 11 Thrusters…125/85 pounds (125 deaths at the pentagon) 11 Burpee Chest to...
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9.11.11 SUNDAY REST DAY Tomorrow we will be doing a WOD in memory of all those who lost their lives 10 years on a day...
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9.10.11 SATURDAY "CONUNDRUM" 2 Rounds of: 21…15…9 of: Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/8 feet Sit Ups (straight legs) Box Jumps…24/20" box Hang Clean…95/65 pounds cash out: 50...
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9.9.11 FRIDAY "JOSH" 42 Pull Ups (chin pass through verticle and horizontal plane) 21 OHS… 95/65 pounds 30 Pull Ups (chin pass through verticle and horizontal...
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