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1.16.12 MONDAY "POWER BALL" 5 Rounds of: 20 Wall Balls 10 Power Cleans…135/75 pounds 20 Straight Leg Sit Ups For Time **Thanks to everyone who...
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1.14.12 SATURDAY "FRANK'S HOT SAUCE" 10 Rounds of: 5 G.I. Janes 50m Sprint (indoors) 1min Rest For Time **Your fellow athletes and trainers from Explode...
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1.13.12 FRIDAY "FOG NINJA" 4 Rounds of: 16 Box Jumps…24/20" box 16 Hang Cleans…95/55 pounds 16 Front Squats…95/55 pounds 6 Wall Climbs For Time Fog...
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1.12.12 THURSDAY "DEAD TOED" 21…15…9 of: Toes to Bar Deadlift…225/135 pounds For Time Post time and load to comments Strength: 5×3 Deadlift

1.11.12 WEDNESDAY "DOUBLE UNDER HELEN" 3 Rounds of: 100 Double Unders 21 KB Swings…53/35 pounds 12 Pull Ups For Time Matt Post time and load...
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1.10.12 TUESDAY "KICK IN THE JIBBLIES" 10…9…8…7 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds/ SDLHPs…115/65 pounds/ Burpees 400m Run 6…5…4…3…2…1 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds/ SDLHPs…115/65 pounds/ Burpees 400m Run For...
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1.9.12 MONDAY "ICARUS" 4 Rounds of: 15 Squat Clean…115/75 pounds 10 HSPU's…25's/floor For Time    Post time and load to comments Auxiliary: 4x100m Sprint

1.7.12 SATURDAY "CAR WRECK" With a partner complete the following: 3 Rounds of: 50m Tire Flip (both partners Burpee Tire Jump after each Flip) 400m...
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