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4.27.12 FRIDAY "POINT SYSTEM" 10min AMRAP of: 100 Double Unders (3 points per)- sub with singles (1 point per) 25 Pull Ups (1 point per)-...
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4.26.12 THURSDAY "WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING" 4 Rounds of: 15 Thrusters…95/55 pounds 15 SDLHP's…95/55 pounds 15 Box Jumps…20/18" box (3 Burpees every Minute) For Time...
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4.25.12 WEDNESDAY "FIREBIRD" 400m Run then: 21…15…9 of: Power Snatch…95/65 pounds Dips then: 400m Run For Time Post time and load to comments Strength: 5×2...
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4.24.12 TUESDAY "REGIONALS MOVEMENTS 4" 40 Back Squat…135/95 pounds 1min Rest 30 Pull Ups 1min Rest 20 Push Press…135/95 pounds 1min Rest 40 Front Squats…85/65...
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4.23.12 MONDAY "4,3,2,1" 4min AMRAP of: Calorie Row 3min AMRAP of: Goblet Squats…53/35 pounds 2min AMRAP of: KB Swings…53/35 pounds 1min AMRAP of: HR Push...
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4.21.12 SATURDAY "REGIONAL WOD 6" (sorta) 3 Rounds of: 7 Deadlifts…275/185 pounds 7 Muscle Ups (sub- 14 Pull Ups/14 Dips) then: 3 Rounds of: 21...
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4.20.12 FRIDAY "BABY RUTH" 8min AMRAP of: 24 KB Swing…70/53 pounds 24 Burpees Over Box…24/20" box For Total Reps Post total reps to comments Strength:...
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4.19.12 THURSDAY "HERSHEY BAR" 2 Rounds of: 50 Back Squats…135/75 pounds 30 Toes to Bar For Time 2012 CrossFit Games Regional WODs announced- click here...
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4.18.12 WEDNESDAY "WALL SNATCH" 15min AMRAP of: 20 Hang Snatch…95/55 pounds 5 Wall Climbs (800m Run at 0min and 7min) Bob Post reps and load...
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