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5.17.12 THURSDAY "NINJA DASH" 400m Sled Pull…45/25 pounds 10 Rope Accents 50 Burpees For Time Post time to comments Skill: Hand Stand Walk Olympic Lifting...
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5.16.12 WEDNESDAY "DT'S RUN" 6 Rounds of: 12 Deadlifts…155/105 pounds 9 Power Cleans…155/105 pounds 6 Push Press…155/105 pounds 200m Run 1min Rest For Time Post time and load...
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5.15.12 TUESDAY "ROW BALL" 2000m Row 80 KB Swings…70/53 pounds For Time Congrats Art!!  Post time to comments Auxiliary: 100 Straight Leg Sit Ups for...
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5.14.12 MONDAY "BARBARA SHOP" 5 Rounds of: 5 G.I. Janes 15 Pull Ups 20 Push Ups 25 Air Squats 1min Rest For Time JUMP KEITH!...
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5.12.12 SATURDAY "SICKOLOGY" 6 Rounds of: 3min AMRAP of: 500m Row with the remainder of 3min complete AMRAP of: HSPU's…25/floor Rest 3min For Total Reps...
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5.11.12 FRIDAY "COUGH SYRUP" 100m Sled Push…100/50 pounds then: 12min AMRAP of: 60 WB Sit Ups…20/14 pounds 30 Hang Snatches…115/65 pounds 15 Burpees 10 Muscle...
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5.10.12 THURSDAY "ROUND THE HORN" 21…15…9…15…21 of: Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/8 feet KB Swings…53/35 pounds For Time Liz, Ty, Bill, Lauren (Puzz and Leah missing from...
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5.9.12 WEDNESDAY "RE-BOOT" 5 Rounds of: 15 Hanging Squat Cleans…95/55 pounds 10 Burpees For Time This past weekend was a blur! Can't tell you how...
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5.8.12 TUESDAY "SHOGUN" 8 Rounds of: 12 Pull Ups 10 Push Press…115/75 pounds 8 Box Jumps…24/20" box Run 100m Rest 1min For Time(repeat WOD from...
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