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7.26.12 THURSDAY "WALL BANGER" 5 Rounds of: 50 Double Unders 5 Wall Climbs For Time Post time to comments Strength: 3×8 Chest to Bar Pull...
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7.25.12 WEDNESDAY "LAXATIVE" 2 Rounds of: 100m Sled Pull Backwards…135/90 pounds 100m Sled Pull Forwards…135/90 pounds For Time Nicole Post time and load to comments...
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7.24.12 TUESDAY "RUSTY NAIL" 70 Thrusters…115/65 pounds (every min on the min 4 Toes to Bar) For Time Dalton, Liz, Lauren and Logan- Team Explode...
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7.23.12 MONDAY "ELIZABETH" 21…15…9 of: Power Cleans…135/95 pounds Ring Dips For Time *PR Board Worthy* Brad- 1st Place "Test Your Metal" Post time and load...
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7.21.12 SATURDAY "TRIPLE A" With a Partner complete the following: 50m Tire Flip 100 Burpee Partner Ball Toss…20/14 pounds 400m Run with Med Ball For...
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7.20.12 FRIDAY "PROWLER JERK" 100m Prowler Push…180/90 pounds 30 Clean n Jerk…155/95 pounds For Time Jim Post time and load to comments

7.19.12 THURSDAY "HORNY TOAD" 100 OHS…95/55 pounds 2000m Row (every min on the min 3 burpees) For Time Post time and load to comments Auxiliary:...
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7.18.12 WEDNESDAY "TRACK TRIPLET" 3 Rounds of: 8 Split Snatch…115/65 pounds 7 Bar Muscle Ups (sub 3 pull ups, 3 dips) 400m Run For Time...
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7.17.12 TUESDAY "ATHLETE SOUP" 20min AMRAP of: 2 Wall Climbs 4 Burpee Box Jumps…24/20" box 6 KB Swings…70/53 pounds 100m Run For Total Rounds and Reps...
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