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8.4.12 SATURDAY "TRY" 1mile Airdyne Bike 2K Row 3mile Run For Time Leah  Post time to comments

8.3.12 FRIDAY "NINJA WORKSHOP" 25m Burpee Broad Jump 9 Rope Accents 9 Wall Climbs 9 Wall Scales…8/6' wall 25m Burpee Broad Jump For Time  ...
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8.2.12 THURSDAY "DOOR NUMBER 2" 8min AMRAP of: 21 KB SDLHP's…70/53 pounds 15 Wall Ball Sit Ups…20/14 pounds 9 Walking Lunges…45/25 pounds For Total Reps...
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8.1.12 WEDNESDAY "THE ELIMINATOR" 7 Rounds of: 200m Run 5 Push Press…115/65 pounds 10 Power Cleans…115/65 pounds 15 Toes to Bar 20 Box Jumps…24/20" box...
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7.31.12 TUESDAY "SPACE INVADERS" cash in: 1000m Row 5 Rounds of: 9 Power Snatch…135/85 pounds 7 Burpees over Bar 1min Rest For Time Annie  Post...
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**12pm class will not have restrooms available** 7.30.12 MONDAY "FIZZY SODA" 21…15…9 of: Back Squat…135/75 pounds Chest to Bar Pull Ups For Time (repeat WOD...
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7.28.12 SATURDAY "TEAM TRIPLET" (from the Games…kinda) With a partner complete the following: 1000m Row while partner holds barbell in the front rack position…185/115 pounds...
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7.27.12 FRIDAY "BOOMERANG" 30 OHS…115/65 pounds 30 Pull Ups 30 Burpees 30 Pull Ups 30 OHS…115/65 pounds For Time Paul Post time and load to...
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