9.12.22 MONDAY “NVR 4GT”
2x30m Reverse Sled Drag Zercher Carry
200m Reverse Sled Drag Zercher Carry…180/135 (sled) …90/70 (axle bar)
100 KB Step Ups…70/53 (holding KB anyway)
*Step ups onto a stack of plates…45,35,25,15
200m Reverse Sled Drag Zercher Carry…180/135 (sled) …90/70 (axle bar)
For Time
-Axle Bar is loaded with weight. Sled straps are hooked on the Axle bar. Pick up the bar in the Zercher hold and drag the loaded sled backwards.
⁃ On this day 21 years ago citizens, firefighters and first responders unfortunately experienced what it was like to drag another human being in this same fashion. Today let’s honor them by sharing just a bit of what they experienced in this workout.