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2.22.13 FRIDAY "BURPEE HEAVEN" 5 Rounds of: 20 Burpees onto plate 4 Rope Climbs For Time (15min time cap) Post time to comments Skill: Rope...
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2.21.13 THURSDAY "HAPPY HARRY" 200 Double Unders 40 HSPU'S…25's/floor 1200m Run For Time Casey, Shannon and Alex Post time and scale to comments Skill: HSPU's...
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2.20.13 WEDNESDAY "SWAMP FOX" 21…15…9 of: Thrusters…135/95 pounds KB Swings…70/53 pounds Calorie Row For Time (15min Time Cap) Post time and load to comments Strength:...
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2.19.13 TUESDAY "SHUTTLE BUS" 2 Rounds of: 30 Pull Ups 30 HR Push Ups 15 Toes to Bar 15 10m Shuttle Touches For Time (time...
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2.18.13 MONDAY "MASH UP" 12min AMRAP of: 24 Air Squats 12 Power Snatch…95/55 pounds 6 Shoot Throughs For Total Reps Click above to register^^^ Post...
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2.17.13 SUNDAY ENDURANCE- "FILABUSTER" With one or two partners complete: 40min AMMAP (as many meters as possible) on Rower -while partner 1 rows, partner 2...
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2.16.13 SATURDAY "BUNNY DROPPINGS" 21…15…9 of: Power Snatch…95/55 pounds HR Push Ups Butterfly Sit Ups Pull Ups For Time (Time Cap 15min) Post time and...
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2.16.13 FRIDAY "SCAREDY CAT" 3 Rounds of: 15 Hang Squat Cleans…155/105 pounds 10 Burpees 5 Ring Muscle Ups (sub: 15 Banded Muscle Ups) For Time...
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2.14.13 THURSDAY "CUPID'S ARROW" 4 Rounds of: 6 Wall Climbs 500m Row For Time     Post time to comments Auxiliary: 50 Hollow Rocks

2.13.13 WEDNESDAY "OPEN PREP" 15min AMRAP of: 15 HSPU's…25/floor 15 KB Swings…70/53 pounds 15 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds… 10/8 feet 15 Toes to Bar 15 Box...
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