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8.1.13 THURSDAY "ROYAL FLUSH" 100m Sled Pull…180/135 pounds 40 Snatch…115/75 pounds 40 Burpees For Time Post time and load to comments

7.31.13 WEDNESDAY "BIG HELLEN" 3 Rounds of: 400m Run 21 KB Swings…70/53 pounds 12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups For Time   Post time and...
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7.30.13 TUESDAY "BURPEE POWER" 30 Power Cleans…? (EMOM 3 Burpees) For Total Weight Lifted Divided by seconds of 30reps completed (Time Cap 10min) Explode Teams...
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7.29.13 MONDAY "THE WICKED" 100 Double Unders 80 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/8 feet 60 Calorie Row 40 Push Press…95/55 pounds 20 Toes to Bar For Time...
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7.28.13 SUNDAY NO CLASSES TODAY Watch live coverage here Friday-Sunday of Team Explode compete at the 2013 CrossFit Games

NO CLASSES SUNDAY 7.28.13 7.27.13 SATURDAY "VIKING INVASION" with a partner complete: 2 Rounds of: 2000m Row (one partner at a time) 10 Rope Climbs...
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7.26.13 FRIDAY "SLED RASH" 100m Sled Push…270/180 pounds 60 Pull Ups For Time   Post time and load to comments Watch live coverage here Friday-Sunday of Team...
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7.25.13 THURSDAY "ROPE SNATCHER" 8min AMRAP of: 2 Rope Climbs 6 Snatches…135/95 pounds For Total Reps   Post load and total reps to comments Watch...
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7.24.13 WEDNESDAY "DOUBLE BEARFROG" 2 Rounds of: 400m Run 25m Bear Crawl 25m Burpee Broad Jump 25m Bear Crawl 25m Burpee Broad Jump 25m Bear...
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7.23.13 TUESDAY "SUFFOCATION" 75 Thrusters…95/55 pounds (EMOM 3 Toes to Bar) For Time   Post time and load to comments Watch live coverage here Friday-Sunday of Team...
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