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3.28.14 FRIDAY "DAISY CUTTER" 3min AMRAP of: DB Snatch…choose weight 1min Rest 3min AMRAP of: Wall Walks For Total Reps Post load and total reps...
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3.27.14 THURSDAY warm up– 4x200m Run Strength: 3×8 Bench Metcon1: 10min EMOM of: 3 CnJ…225/155 3 Ring Muscle Ups Metcon2: Explode WOD

3.26.14 WEDNESDAY warm up– 10 HC, 10 HSC, 10 PJ…135/95 (practice perfect technique) Strength: 3×8 Landmine Rotations 3×8 DB Pull Overs Metcon: Explode WOD use…30/20...
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3.25.14 TUESDAY warm up– 1000m Row Strength: 2×8 Deadlift Olympic: 10min EMOM of: 3 Single Snatch Low Hang High Pulls…110% Metcon1: 7min AMRAP up Ladder...
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3.25.14 TUESDAY "SWINGING DIXIE" 12min AMRAP of: 21 KB Swings..70/53 pounds 21 HR Push Ups 21 Sit Ups 21 OH Walking Lunges…45/25 pounds For Total...
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3.24.14 MONDAY warm up– Air Raid up to 35 and back Strength: 2×8 Front Squat 2×8 Dips Metcon: Explode WOD use…165/115 Auxiliary: Max Unbroken Pull...
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3.23.14 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "TRIPLE A" Every 5min for 35min: 100m Sled Pull…45/25 pounds 400m Run For Slowest Round Post load and slowest time to comments...
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3.22.14 SATURDAY "14.4" 14min AMRAP of: 60 Calorie Row 50 Toes to Bar 40 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/9 feet 30 Power Cleans…135/95 pounds 20 Ring Muscle...
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3.21.14 FRIDAY "CINDY-ANNE " 20min AMRAP of: first 10min AMRAP of: 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats second 10min AMRAP of: 50…40…30…20…10...
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3.20.14 THURSDAY "ROPE RUNNER" 4 Rounds of: 3 Rope Climbs 400m Run 3min Rest For Time   Post time to comments