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10.12.14 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "PIRATE INVASION" 7 Rounds of: 250m Row 100m Sled Push/Drag…90/50 pounds 300m Run 4min Rest For Time (Time Cap 60min) Post time...
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10.11.14 SATURDAY "ROCKY ROAD" 3 Rounds of: 5min AMRAP of: 5 10m Shuttle Touches 15 Toes to Bar 25 S. Arm DB Snatches…(choose weight) 5min...
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10.10.14 FRIDAY "VANILLA GORILLA" 30 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters…155/105 pounds (EMOM of 2 Ring Muscle Ups) (sub- 4 Ring Rows, 4 HR Push Ups or...
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10.8.14 WEDNESDAY warm up– 2×100 Double Unders Strength: 3×5 OHS 3×5 Shoulder Press 3×5 S. Arm DB Tricep Ext 2×50 GHD Sit Ups Metcon: Explode...
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10.7.14 TUESDAY warm up– 2x500m Row Olympic: 3×5 Hang High Pulls Strength: 3×5 Deadlift 3×5 C2B Pull Up 3×25 Reverse Hypers Metcon: Explode WOD Auxiliary:...
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10.6.14 MONDAY warm up– 2x400m Run Olympic: 8min EMOM of: 2 Power Snatch 12feet HS Walk Strength: 3×5 Strict HS Push Up 3×5 Incline Bench...
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10.5.14 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "MATCH STICKS" With a partner: 12 Rounds of: 12cal Row 200m Run For Time (each partner does 10 rounds) Post time and...
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10.4.14 SATURDAY "TIRE FIRE" With a partner complete: 12min AMRAP of: 8 Tire Flips (both partners flip) 16 Toes to Bar (both partners do 16)...
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10.3.14 FRIDAY warm up– 2x500m Row Olympic: 3×5 High Hang Clean Strength: 3×8 14' Legless Rope Climb 3×8 Single Leg DB RDL 3×8 DB Row...
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