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6.21.10 MONDAY "FLOATER" 20 Power Cleans… 185/95 pounds 800m Run For Time Post time and load to comments   Strength:  Back Squat (work up to...
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6.19.10 SATURDAY "BUCKIN FURPEES" 5 Rounds of: 10 OHS… 115/75 pounds 10 Burpee Box Jumps… 20/18" box For Time Post time and load to comments  ...
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6.18.10 FRIDAY "700 CLUB" 100 Double Unders 100 Sit Ups (soles of feet touching together) 100 Wall Balls… 20/14 400m Run For Time  Post time and...
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6.16.10 WEDNESDAY "REMODY" 50 Thrusters… 135/65 pounds 4 Chest to Bar Pull Ups at the top of every minute (eg. 3…2…1…GO! 4 C2B Pull Ups) ...
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6.15.10 TUESDAY "HANGIN OUT" 15-1 of: Push Ups Hang Snatch… 65/35 For Time  Post time and load to comments   Auxiliary:  L-Pull Ups (max unbroken...
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6.14.10 MONDAY "THE GREEN MILE" 2 Rounds of: 150 feet Walking Lunges (plate held overhead)… 45/25 pounds 75 feet DB Farmers Walk (DB in each hand)… 90/45...
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6.12.10 SATURDAY "UGLY BETTY" 21 Squat Cleans… 115/65 pounds 21 Ring Dips 400m Run 15 Squat Cleans… 115/65 pounds 15 Ring Dips 400m Run 9...
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