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7.20.10 TUESDAY "FRAN WHO" 21…15…9 of: KB Swings… 70/35 pounds Sit Ups 400m Run Then: 21…15…9 of: SDLHP… 95/55 pounds Burpees 400m Run Then:  21…15…9...
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7.19.10 MONDAY "2010 GAMES EVENT #5" 7 Rounds of: 3 Power Cleans… 205/135 pounds 4 HSPU's For Time  (Mikko Salo 7th place on this WOD...
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7.17.10 SATURDAY "AMANDA" 9…7…5 of: Muscle Ups Squat Snatch… 135/95 pounds For Time *This WOD was the kickoff to 2010 CrossFit Games last night (Chris...
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7.16.10 FIRDAY "RUN FOR REPS" 2min AMRAP of: Deadlift… 115/75 pounds 2min AMRAP of: Hang Clean… 115/75 pounds 2min AMRAP of: Push Press… 115/75 pounds...
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7.14.10 WEDNESDAY "DEMENTIA" 12…9…6 of: Chest to Bar Pull Ups KB Swing… 70/35 pounds DB Thrusters… 35/20 pounds (each hand) Burpee Box Jumps… 24/20" box...
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7.13.10 TUESDAY "POUNDER" 50/5…40/10…30/15…20/20…10/25 of: Double Unders OHS…115/65 pounds For TIme Post time and load to comments   Strength: Weighted Ring Dips (perform max reps...
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7.12.10 MONDAY "OLD GREG" 60 (30 each arm) Sigle Arm Barbell Snatches… 95/55 pounds For Time **3 Burpees, 3 Toes to Bar at the top...
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