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4.6.11 WEDNESDAY "CF GAMES OPEN WOD 3" 5min AMRAP of: Squat Clean n Jerk…165/110 pounds For Total Reps     Post load and total reps...
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4.5.11 TUESDAY "SUMO-SPRINT" 5 Rounds of: AMRAP 1min 30sec of: 100m Sprint SDLHP…95/55 pounds 2min Rest For Reps   (3,2,1… Go! 100m Sprint then the remainder...
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4.4.11 MONDAY "THE FOOL" 1min AMRAP of: Plate Burpees…45/25 pounds 2min AMRAP of: Chest to Bar Pull Ups 3min AMRAP of: OHS…95/55 pounds 2min AMRAP...
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4.2.11 SATURDAY "THE BIG KABOSH" 800m Run then: 15…10…5 of: G.I. Janes KB Swings… 97/53 pounds For Time     Post time and load to...
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4.1.11 FRIDAY "4 40's OF CRAZY HORSE" 2 Rounds of: 40 Double Unders 40 Hang Cleans… 95/55 pounds 40 Push Press…95/55 pounds 40 Calorie Row  For Time   Post...
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3.31.11 THURSDAY REST DAY "LADIE'S NIGHT" Today we will be validating scores for those athletes competing in the CF Games Open during the regularly scheduled...
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3.30.11 WEDNESDAY "CF GAMES OPEN WOD 2" 15min AMRAP of: 9 Deadlifts…155/100 pounds 12 Hand Release Push Ups 15 Box Jumps…24/20" box For Rounds and...
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3.29.11 TUESDAY "PUMP AND RUN" 3 Rounds of: 10 Muscle Ups 400m Run 5min Rest Each Round for Time  Post total time of all 3...
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3.28.11 MONDAY "BIRTH OF THE PR BOARD" 21…15…9 of: Thrusters…115/75 pounds SDLHP's…115/75 pounds For Time   (PR Boards are up, time to leave your mark)...
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