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4.16.11 SATURDAY "SUPER SATURDAY" cash in: 1mile Run 15 Rounds of: 5 HSPU's… 45/25 pound plates 7 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 9 Hanging Squat Cleans… 75/45 pounds...
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4.15.11 FRIDAY "SMASH N GRAB" 4 Rounds of: 24 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds… 8/10 feet 12 SDLHP's… 115/75 pounds 400m Run For Time Post time and...
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4.13.11 WEDNESDAY "CF OPEN WOD 11.4" 10min AMRAP of: 60 Bar Facing Burpees 30 OHS… 120/90 pounds 10 Muscle Ups For Reps and Rounds Post...
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4.12.11 TUESDAY "QUEEN ANNIE" 50…40…30…20…10 of: Double Unders Sit Ups Air Squats For Time Post time to comments   Auxiliary: "Hollow Rock n Roll" AMRAP 4min...
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4.11.11 MONDAY "DEAD TO RIGHTS" 21…15…9 of: Deadlift…115/75 pounds Hang Clean… 115/75 pounds Push Press…115/75 pounds (3 Burpees, 3 K2E's every minute. 3..2..1..go! burpees) Post...
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4.9.11 SATURDAY "THE PIGGY BACK WALTZ" Saturdays are always a fun day at Explode. Time to partner up again! Between you and a partner complete...
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4.8.11 FRIDAY "PAPA-ROTZY" 21…15…9 of: KB Swings… 70/53 pounds HSPU's For Time morning crew Post time and load to comments Auxiliary: 3 Rounds of: 500m...
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4.7.11 THURSDAY REST DAY NO CLASS TODAY Validation for CF Games Open will be during normal class times for members only

**UPDATE ON PRICING** as of 4.1.11   Explode Class Schedule Monday- Friday 6am- CrossFit Class 9am- CrossFit Class 5:30pm- CrossFit Class 6:30pm- CrossFit Class  ...
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