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4.26.11 TUESDAY "TABATA CFX" Tabata= (8)20sec. rounds w 10sec. rest Tabata CFX= (32)20sec. rounds w 10sec. rest of: (8) rounds Deadlift… 135/95 pounds (8) rounds...
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4.25.11 MONDAY "MIND ERASER" 21…15…9 of: G.I. Janes KB Swings… 70/35 pounds For Time  (repeat WOD from 1.17.11) Post time and load to comments  ...
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4.24.11 SUNDAY REST DAY HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE ***CrossFit EXPLODE will be hosting the CrossFit Games OPEN Sectional WOD 11.6 on this Saturday 4.30.11. Everyone is...
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4.23.11 SATURDAY "BENDER" cash in: 800m Run 5 Rounds of: 6 Squat Snatch… 145/95 pounds 12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups cash out: 30 cal...
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4.22.11 FRIDAY "ENTER THE DRAGON" 400m Run 25 KB Swings… 70/35 pounds 20 Overhead Walking Lunges… 45/25 pound plate 10 Burpees 20 Overhead Walking Lunges…...
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4.21.11 THURSDAY REST DAY Validation for sectional scores will be going on during normal class times. If you are not getting your score validated please...
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4.20.11 WEDNESDAY "CF GAMES OPEN WOD 11.5" 20min AMRAP of: 5 Power Cleans… 145/100 pounds 10 Toes to Bar 15 Wall Balls… 20/14 pounds… 10/9...
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4.19.11 TUESDAY "GEORGE OF THE JUNGLE" Row 2000m At the top of every minute complete 4 Plated Burpees… 45/25 pounds For Time   Post time...
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4.18.11 MONDAY "SLED DOGS" 150m Sled Pull… 90/45 pounds then: 21…15…9 of: Push Press… 115/75 pounds Box Jumps… 24/20" box For Time   Post time...
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4.17.11 SUNDAY REST DAY Check out this lecture by Robert Lustig. "Sugar; The Bitter Truth"