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5.6.11 FRIDAY "ERASER"  8 Rounds of: 8 SDLHP's… 115/75 pounds 8 G.I. Janes 8 Push Press…115/75 pounds 8 Toes to Bar 100m Run For Time ...
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5.5.11 THURSDAY REST DAY ***OPEN GYM TODAY DURING NORMAL CLASS TIMES*** (Get your butts in here and work on your weakness or make up missed...
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5.4.11 WEDNESDAY "SCARY BEES" 5min AMRAP of: 30 Bench Press… BW/60% BW pounds KB Swings…70/35 pounds For Total Reps of KB Swings (after completing 30reps...
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5.3.11 TUESDAY "EXPLODE CODE" 2 Rope Ascents…21 feet 100m Sled Pull… 90/45 pounds 10…9…8 of: Hang Clean… 95/55 pounds Push Press… 95/55 pounds 100m Sled...
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5.2.11 MONDAY "TEMPER TANTRUM" 5 Rounds of: 20 Sit Ups (Butterfly) 10 Deadlift… 275/185 pounds 5 HSPU's… hands on 45/25 pound plates 3min Rest For Time  Post time...
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4.30.11 SATURDAY "CF GAMES OPEN WOD 11.6" 7min AMRAP of: 3…6…9…12…15…18…21…24…ect. of: Thrusters… 100/65 pounds Chest to Bar Pull Ups For Total Reps  Post total...
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4.29.11 FRIDAY "FLY ON THE WALL" 2 Rounds of: 800m Run 15 Power Snatches…95/55 pounds 10 Turkish Get Ups (5 each arm)…70/35 pounds 5 Wall...
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4.28.11 THURSDAY REST DAY **Next week we will be holding open gym hours on Thursdays during normal class times. Come in during these times to...
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4.27.11 WEDNESDAY "RUSTY SCREW" 7min AMRAP of: 3…6…9…12…15…18…21…24…27…30…ect Clean n Jerk…115/75 pounds Knees to Elbows For Total Reps **Instead of programming this week's OPEN WOD...
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