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5.14.11 SATURDAY "ESCAPE FROM THE CHAINS" cash in: 100m Sled Pull…135/90 pounds then: 3 Rounds of: 20 Toes to Bar 100 Double Unders then: cash...
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5.13.11 FRIDAY "CENTRAL EAST REGIONALS 2010 WOD 4" 50 Box Jumps… 24/20" box 40 KB Swings… 53/35 pounds 30 Lateral Burpees Over Bar 20 Hanging...
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5.11.11 WEDNESDAY "HAIRY EYEBALL" 12min AMRAP of: 250m Row 7 HSPU's 7 Power Snatches…115/75 pounds For Total reps (repeat WOD from 11.19.10)  Coming soon…  ...
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ADDITIONAL CLASS TIMES?? SURVEY MONKEY SAYS!!! We are looking to add more class times. Please fill out the survey linked below and give us your preference...
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5.10.11 TUESDAY "ANGIE" 100 Pull Ups' 100 Push Ups 100 Sit Ups 100 Air Squats For Time (repeat WOD from 6.2.10)   Post time to...
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5.9.11 MONDAY "GRACE" 30 Reps Clean n Jerk… 135/95 pounds For Time Post time and load to comments Strength:  Shoulder Press 5…4…3…2 (30sec rest in...
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5.8.11 SUNDAY REST DAY ***If you haven't already, sign up for Delaware Affiliate Challenge*** Date: Sat. May 21st 2011 sign in and rules at 8-830am first heat...
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5.7.11 SATURDAY "TOE JAM" 40 OHS… 95/55 pounds 40 Pull Ups 800m Run 30 OHS… 95/55 pounds 30 Pull Ups 1200m Run 20 OHS…95/55 pounds...
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