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6.22.11 WEDNESDAY "EYE BOOGIE" 9…7…5 of: Power Snatch…135/95 pounds G.I. Janes For Time Post time and load to comments   Auxiliary:  1000m Row **REGISTRATION FOR...
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6.21.11 TUESDAY "LOCKDOWN WOD 4 AND 11" “DOUBLE STEP” (5min time cap) 3 Rounds of: 50 Double Unders 20 Steps Walking Lunge…45/25 pound plate For...
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6.20.11 MONDAY "FRAN WHO" 21…15…9 of: KB Swings… 70/35 pounds Sit Ups 400m Run Then: 21…15…9 of: SDLHP… 95/55 pounds Burpees 400m Run Then:  21…15…9...
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6.19.11 SUNDAY REST DAY **REGISTRATION FOR LOCKDOWN STARTS MONDAY JUNE 20th 8:00am** click link below to register!  

6.18.11 SATURDAY "FOX TROT" With a partner complete the following: 800m Run 25 G.I Janes 50 Wall Balls… 20/14 pounds …10/8 feet 50 Partner Med...
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6.17.11 FRIDAY "AIR RAID" 21…18…15…12…9…6 of: Squat Jumps…45/25 pounds Plyo-Push Ups over PVC For Time     Post time and load to comments   Strength:...
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6.16.11 THURSDAY REST DAY …REGISTRATION COMING SOON ** Post thoughts to comments **

6.15.11 WEDNESDAY "JOSHUA" 21 OHS… 95/55 pounds 42 Pull Ups 15 OHS… 95/55 pounds 30 Pull Ups 9 OHS… 95/55 pounds 18 Pull Ups For...
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6.14.11 TUESDAY "ZOMBIE BURP" 100 Burpees (at the top of each minute 3 Deadlifts…245/145 pounds) For Time e.g. 3…2…1 Go! Deadlift Post time and load...
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