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7.2.11 SATURDAY "MURPH" 1 mile Run 100 Pull Ups 200 Push Ups 300 Air Squats 1 mile Run For Time   Mark your calendars for...
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7.1.11 FRIDAY "ROOSTER CROW" 8min AMRAP of: 400m Sled Pull…45/25 pounds with the remainder of 8min complete AMRAP of: 10 KB Swings… 70/53 pounds 5...
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6.30.11 THURSDAY REST DAY (OPEN GYM DURING REGULAR SCHEDULED CLASS TIMES) COMING SOON… July 7th 2011 "STRENGTH DAY" Experiencing a decrease in work capacity when...
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6.29.11 WEDNESDAY "BLOWBACK" 15 Muscle Ups (sub 30 ring rows, 30 ring dips) then: 3 Rounds of: 15 SDLHP… 95/65 pounds 10 Burpees For Time...
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6.28.11 TUESDAY "BETA BLOCKER" 3 Rounds of: 10 Deadlift… 275/185 pounds 50 Double Unders For Time   Post time and load to comments   Auxiliary:...
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6.27.11 MONDAY "SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION" 10…9…8 of: Hanging Squat Cleans… 95/65 pounds Push Press….95/65 pounds Butterfly Sit Ups HSPU's Pull Ups 400m Run 7…6…5 of: Hanging...
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6.26.11 SUNDAY REST DAY   Anyone interested in putting your CrossFit skills and work capacity to the test check out, "Test Your Medal". CrossFit competition...
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6.25.11 SATURDAY "DUCK BUTTER" With a partner complete the following: 8 Rounds of 8 Wall Climbs 16 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 150m Run For...
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6.24.11 FRIDAY "JACK" 20min AMRAP of: 10 Push Press…115/65 pounds 10 KB Swings…53/35 pounds 10 Box Jumps… 24/20" box For Rounds and Reps (repeat WOD...
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