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11.26.11 SATURDAY "BOOGIE PETS" With a partner complete the following: 3 Rounds of: 40 Squat Clean Thrusters…95/65 pounds (one partner does one 1rep at a...
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11.25.11 FRIDAY "ERASER" 8 Rounds of: 8 SDLHP's…115/75 pounds 8 G.I. Janes 8 Push Press…115/75 pounds 8 Toes to Bar 100m Run For Time (repeat...
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11.23.11 WEDNESDAY "TURKEY DAY SEND OFF" 2000m Row 400m Run 1500m Row 800m Run 1000m Row 1200m Run 500m Row 1mile Run For Time Post...
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11.22.11 TUESDAY "BEAR NAKED" 400m Run 2 Rounds of: 25m Walking Lunge 25m Burpee Broad Jump 25m Walking Lunge 25m Bear Crawl then: 400m Run...
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11.21.11 MONDAY "JEWELRY HEIST" 10-1 of: Squat Snatch…95/65 pounds Ring Dips For Time Come on out to Hearty Films short film about CF215's Partner Throwdown....
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11.19.11 SATURDAY "BUSHNELL" 10 Rounds of: 500m Row 10 Pull Ups 10 Burpees With a partner for time SGT William W. Bushnell Kia April 21st, 2007 at...
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11.18.11 FRIDAY "DEAD WRONG" 12min AMRAP of: 5 Deadlifts…315/185 pounds 10 HSPU's 15 Sit Ups (butterfly) For Total Reps Chris being shown the path Post...
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