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12.27.11 TUESDAY "LOVE HANDLES" 21…15…9 of: Hang Cleans…135/95 pounds Front Squat…135/95 pounds Push Press…135/95 pounds For Time   Post time and load to comments Auxiliary:...
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**ONLY 5:30pm and 6:30pm CLASSES TODAY** 12.26.11 MONDAY "COOKIE MONSTER" 10 Rounds of: 18 Sumo-KB Deadlift…70/53 pounds 12 HR Push Ups 6 Toes to Bar...
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12.24.11 SATURDAY "12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS" 1 Burpee 2 Push Press…95/65 pounds 3 Front Squat…95/65 pounds 4 Hang Cleans…95/65 pounds 5 Deadlifts…95/65 pounds 6 Box...
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12.23.11 FRIDAY "DECK THE WALLS" 10 Wall Climbs 20 Hang Cleans…135/95 pounds 40 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/8 feet 800m Run For Time A couple of silly...
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12.22.11 THURSDAY "ODE DE TABATA" Tabata= 20sec work, 10sec rest for 8 rounds 8 Rounds of: 20sec Air Squats 10sec rest then: 20sec KB Swings…53/35...
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12.21.11 WEDNESDAY "WOD SCALA" 5 Rounds of: 50 Double Unders 15 HR Push Ups 20 Steps Walking Lunges…45/25 pounds For Time Post time and load...
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12.20.11 TUESDAY "FRAN" 21…15…9 of: Thrusters…95 pounds Pull Ups For Time Jeff- Fall Brawl 2011 Post time and load to comments Strength: Deadlift 3×10

12.19.11 MONDAY "UNBREAKABLE" 30…20…10 of: SDLHP's…95 pounds Box Jumps…24" box Toes To Bar For Time Jeff O. Post time and load to comments Auxiliary: 4min...
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