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3.28.12 WEDNESDAY "DEM LIPS" 3 Rounds of: 30 Pull Ups 30 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/8 feet For Time Post time and load to comments Auxiliary: Tabata Row

3.27.12 TUESDAY "AF WOD" 21…15…9 of: Back Squat…185/115 pounds KB Swings…53/35 pounds For Time OPEN WOD 12.5 Post time and load to comments Auxiliary: 3x...
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3.24.12 SATURDAY "OPEN WOD 12.5" 3 Thrusters…100/65 pounds 3 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 6 Thrusters…100/65 pounds 6 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 9 Thrusters…100/65...
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3.23.12 FRIDAY "SLOW TRICKLE" cash in: 1000m Row 40…30…20…10 of: KB Swings…53/35 pounds Goblet Squats…53/35 pounds Double Unders Jumping Pull Ups For Time   Post...
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3.22.12 THURSDAY "BALLISTICS TEST" 6 Rounds of: 6 Burpees Over Bar 10 Hang Power Snatch…95/55 pounds 1min Rest For Time Post time and load to...
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3.21.12 WEDNESDAY "LAZY LIZARD" 21…15…9 of: Squat Cleans…115/75 pounds Straight Leg Sit Ups HR Push Ups cash out: 800m Run For Time Kiddie Wall Balls...
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3.20.12 TUESDAY "MONSTER TRUCK" 8min AMRAP of: 40 Chest to Bar Pull Ups then: 5 rounds of: 4 HSPU's… hands on 45/25 pound plates 4...
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3.19.12 MONDAY "ERASER" 8 Rounds of: 8 SDLHP's… 115/75 pounds 8 G.I. Janes 8 Push Press…115/75 pounds 8 Toes to Bar 100m Run For Time ...
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