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4.7.12 SATURDAY "BAD DAY" 3 Rounds of: 1min Calorie Row 1min HSPU's 1min KB Swings…70/53 pounds 1min Rest 1min OHS…95/65 pounds 1min Bar Muscle Ups...
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4.6.12 FRIDAY "STILTZ" 30 Back Squats…225/135 pounds 1mile Run For Time (repeat WOD from 9.21.11)   Back Squat Geometry Post time and load to comments...
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4.5.12 THURSDAY "TABATA TWITCH"   Tabata= 8 rounds of 20sec work 10sec rest Tabata Grasshoppers Tabata 10m Shuttle Touches Tabata Dips Tabata Calorie Row  For...
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4.4.12 WEDNESDAY "SITTIN PURDY" 100 Deadlifts… 185/115 pounds 100 Straight Leg Sit Ups (top of every min 5 HSPU's…25/floor) For Time CF Explode on Mainsite...
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4.3.12 TUESDAY "KANGAROO" 21…15…9 of: Burpee Box Jumps…20/18" box Chest to Bar Pull Ups For Time   Post time and load to comments Auxiliary: "Flight...
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4.2.12 MONDAY "SPRING CLEANING" 10-1 of: Clean n Jerk…135/75 pounds Burpees over Bar Toes to Bar For Time Post time and load to comments Auxiliary:...
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3.31.12 SATURDAY "CHOP SHOP" 10 Rope Accents 100 cal Row 50 Wall Ball Sit Ups 50 KB Swings…70/53 pounds For Time Julie Post time and...
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3.30.12 FRIDAY "HIGH SPEED, LOW DRAG" 30 Muscle Ups (sub: 3 ring rows, 3 ring dips per) 30 OHS…135/75 pounds For Time Mike, Terrence, Sean,...
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3.29.12 THURSDAY "DT's RUN" 6 Rounds of: 12 Deadlifts…155/105 pounds 9 Hang Power Cleans…155/105 pounds 6 Push Press…155/105 pounds 200m Run 1min Rest For Time (repeat WOD from...
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