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10.4.12 THURSDAY "ENGINE NUMBER 9" 9 Rounds of: 9 Knees to Elbows 9 KB OH Walking Lunges…53/35 pounds 9 KB Swings…53/35 pounds For Time  ...
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10.3.12 WEDNESDAY "HORSE RACE" 3 Rounds of: 800m Run 10 G.I. Janes 2min Rest For Time    Post time to comments Strength: KB Banded Shoulder...
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10.2.12 TUESDAY "STAN THE ANGRY MIDGET" 15…10…5 of: SDLHP's…135/95 pounds Push Press…135/95 pounds Burpee Box Jumps…24/20" box For Time **8min time cap** Post time and...
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10.1.12 MONDAY "PLUMBER'S CRACK" 21 Thrusters… 115/75 pounds 3 Rounds of "Cindy" 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats 15 Thrusters… 115/75 pounds...
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9.30.12 SUNDAY "3,2,1 ENDURANCE" 3000m Row 200 Double Unders 1mile Run For Time Camp Pendleton 2012 CrossFit Games Post time to comments 8am Olympic Lifting...
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9.29.12 SATURDAY "JUGGERNAUT" 5 Rounds of: 6 Muscle Ups (sub: 3 Ring Rows, 3 Ring Dips) 20m Prowler Push…270/180 pounds For Time Alison Post time...
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9.28.12 FRIDAY "GUSTO" 10min AMRAP of: 20 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds 10 10m Shuttle Touches 20 KB Swings…70/53 pounds For Time   Post time and load to comments...
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9.27.12 THURSDAY "BEANSTALK" 2 Rounds of: 5 Rope Accents (3 perry pulls per) 15 Wall Climbs For Time Introducing for the first time in public...
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9.26.12 WEDNESDAY "STRIKE ZONE" 10 Rounds of: 3 Power Snatch…135/75 pounds 10 Wall Ball Sit Ups…20/14 pounds For Time hahaha Explode gangstas! Post time and...
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9.25.12 TUESDAY "DRILL SARGENT" 30 G.I. Janes 2min Rest 30 Toes to Bar 2min Rest 1000m Row For Time Hanna Post time to comments Strength:...
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